Code Hope Labs

A virtual think tank for the progressive tech ecosystem

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Idea lab

Facing the challenges of the progressive movement head-on with groundbreaking ideas to move us forward.


The progressive movement faces a lot of challenges - reading and thinking about these problems is a first step to solving them!


Invaluable publications - including blogs, podcasts, and more - to keep you up-to-date on the latest in progressive tech.


APIs, Git repos, and Git organizations facilitating tons of useful functionality for progressive tech projects.

About Us

We're at code hope.

Numerous crises grab headlines every day, from climate change to the corrosion of democracy. It's easy to respond to the news with anger, fear, or despair. But the best way forward is with hope.

We're here to imagine solutions... and turn them into code.

Our mission here is to encourage the creation of new technologies, institutions, and policies which will move the progressive movement forward. We do that by cataloging problems that the movement faces and documenting ideas for solving those problems. We warmly encourage anyone to join us, contribute thoughts, and to steal our ideas!

This site was created by Shai Sachs and is not affiliated with or funded by any other institution.

Join us

If you'd like to help, fill out our contact form.

Join us on Slack!

Feel free to join the discussion on our Slack workspace

Or contribute directly to this site on Github!